Labeled as a BL re-telling of Red Riding Hood, this manga focuses on the relationship between a wolf forest god and his human companion who was once his gifted sacrafice years ago when he first arrived. The story follows the current young adult life of Taro the human as he is cared for by Uru the werewolf, trying to navigate his fate to be eaten.


beastmen | fantasy | r-18


Taro - A human sacrafice that has lived in the woods as a boy to an adult raised under Uru's care. He knows he could be eaten any day, and he patiently awaits his fate - until he grows impatient and wants to fulfill his destiny, but does the wolf spirit have a different path for him to take?

Uru - A fearsome wolf spirit who lives alone in the woods, that was, until Taro was sacraficed to him. He rasied Taro with compassion and modesty in the wilderness, but he hides secrets from him to keep him safe. Is he as beastly as everyone thinks he is?


Only one scene and it is lackluster. SPOILER: he transforms into a human for the mature section, what a loss!


A easy read with great talent in the art, but the story did not deliver a lewd BL re-writing of the classic tale. For a book labeled mature, it had about only 3 pages worthy of that label. It left me wanting a better revision of the classic tale since already anthro-beastman nature of the wolf from Red Riding Hood opens it up for a great BL story line. My search is not over here.


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Title: Why Don't You Eat Me, My Dear Wolf?
Mangaka: Ao Koishikawa


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